Sunday, January 2, 2011

Olive Oil To Get Rid Of Milia Under The Eyes

Nicolas Buttet


Of more than 2,000 articles I have written since April 2007, 2,200 articles published by http://drzz . info / (150,000 readers monthly) and, a half-dozen articles alone addressed, in part or in particular, new communities in the Church Catholic. In this context, Father Nicolas Buttet was mentioned, so sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, to two or three occasions. For indeed, it happens that I experienced some realities with Father in question.


it happens when I put an end to this experience, Father, as I walked to his community, take a few things belonging to me, asked me, among other If I had to get my Bible wipe my ass with. He told me, too, he hoped that I will not live too long in order not to end up in hell.


Then, as I had no link with the community, Father me sent an email (which I kept) "forbidding me" to distribute my articles to friends and even members of his community. A "ban" even more ridiculous that on one hand, all my items were back then - and still are - on the Internet. And secondly, my articles, at the time or the ineffable Father sent his mail, do not treat him and his community.


Later, I published an article which, among other topics mentioned, without naming them, the abbot in question and community. The priest had then - again - blessed with an email (which I kept) in which he called me "poor ..." and accused me of so-called facts, alumni, he didn ' had never complained of the time when he had yet real possibility every day.


I subsequently published, first, a second article, mentioning, among other topics, the abbot and his community. And second, a third, more general article on new communities in the Church Catholic.


In this context, some people said they know us well, as the abbot in question myself. But these people who claimed to know me did not know the words that the Father sent me, orally and in writing, what I reported above. And these same people who claimed to know me did not read my articles also reported above.


Finally, these people that I know, have never read my two publications "Wine from vertigo to the cup of salvation," published in 2006, and "God Is Depression? , "Published in 2007.


I note in passing that Miss R. Dayer has left the community of Father in question in 2006 after 10 of consecrated life and then it was committed by his vows to stay alive in this community that she was also co-founder.


Seen from this angle rather chaotic, we would probably have done better to write and let me do my job freely, rather than sending me emails or dubious claim to know me. For myself, I know some people, certain things and I'm pretty well informed.


That the abbot in question has taken what he has given to me, that's not very bright. What is more, people who claimed to know me well have remained voluntarily or involuntarily, in ignorance of the facts summarized here, that, personally, did not seem balanced. And I weigh my words, because on the bottom, all seemed, in fact, quite despicable.


Father in question has demonstrated arrogance, presumption and bigotry towards many people who at one time or another, decided, as me, to continue their faith journey elsewhere without the abbot and his community.


This arrogance, presumption and what bigotry on the part of an abbot ordered prematurely, more abroad, outside its jurisdiction, by a bishop friend question make the story even more doubtful, and, moreover, ordered without having followed one day seminar, all this shows that computers, not respecting, normal and customary manner proposed by the Church, can produce immature priests who held - discussed above - the comments irresponsible and causing a serious moral consideration for others.


departures of people welcome the departure of candidates, novices and even spent a lifetime, all while the abbot in question continues to gesticulate and gargling, everywhere, with his "lectures" and his "teachings" ( According to him, are "the Jews" who would, it seems, perpetrated the attacks of September 11, 2001 USA ) these departures therefore, have implications for those involved and I have enough evidence on this subject.


On the one hand, the real cure rate among patients at home, and on the other hand, leaving the so-called dedicated community Abbot aforementioned, it is independent of the ecclesiastical authorities are responsible and competent, a priori, to investigate. I am dedicated, essentially, to current international politics, geopolitics, the cons-cons-espionage and terrorism.


And I spent quite incidentally, to religious news. That said, I reserve the unfettered right to resume the case developed above, if my conscience dictates. For it is my job as a journalist since 1980. Because some people who say well I known, not only do not know me well at all. But again, these people seem particularly evil about themselves, including their own injuries, disorders and symptoms.


I note in conclusion that following the case summarized above, Father Nicolas Buttet needlessly operated by molesting and disturbing others about me (including Tissières MJ, P. Pralong, Father J. M.Cettou and Father M. Amman). I responded to these maneuvers, first, pointing none of these people did not want to put pressure moral or psychological on me, and adding on the other hand, it was therefore unnecessary to manipulate these people.


Finally, I noted that that case was not the responsibility of the laity who I am. And I said that it is the hierarchy of the Catholic Church to pursue this case when the Holy See sees fit.


Since then, people have approached me on the official biography of the abbot in question. I nothing written yet. I did not immediately respond to comments and questions raised. That said, to use some of these comments concerning the official biography of the abbot in question, I can summarize very briefly below.


I do not know if the abbot has a Master of attorney or is simply a law degree or is simply a law degree. I do not know if Father was a lawyer in a village or whether it was merely a trainee lawyer in a village. I do not know if Father was a member in a small Swiss canton or simply alternate member in a small Swiss canton.


I do not know if the abbot was a hermit, or whether he merely lived in Hermitage, he left frequently to speak, by this and by- there. I do not know what he really left - and if so - then I do not know who really saved. And therefore, I do not know if it is true that he said had "left everything to save young people."


I do not know if it is true that he used the phrase "Three days to reorient the world" about a small gathering in the Swiss village of two thousand inhabitants.


I do not know either if the rules which now apply to the Community of the Beatitudes (the community that has nothing to do with the abbot in question) apply a day to the community of the abbot in question. If the community's abbot in question does not apply the above rules, then it would mean that it works today as it operated in the past.


Michael Withers



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