*******... me here back after the Christmas break:) many things have advanced in the meantime. Among them: a very pretty picture for the project "Spirou: Gallery of Illustrious - Special Circus" . Here a little rough for Noa . But Spirou , or is it? Eeeh, that's a surprise that I will show you soon:) Barbara Canepa is the coloring, bientôt the final image. Bonne annéeeeee!
************ I am back after the Christmas break. Many things have been going on in the meantime! Out of all: the creation of a better illustration for the project "Spirou: Galleries des Illustres - spécial Circus" , ie a series of tributes to the famous Spirou in a circus theme. Here's the rough one detail: Noa with tutu I had not yet drawn : D But Spirou where is he? He hee, surprise ... Barbara Canepa is carefully coloring the image, che presto nella sua posterior completezza. Buon anno a tutti!
*** Here I am, after the Christmas break :) Kings bring you a detail of a new illustration guapisimisima of SkyDoll : is my partecipation with Barbara Canepa the project "Spirou : Galerie des illustrious "is a famous character omenaje to Spirou. DANCER Noa's that had not ever drawn, je jeee. Soon the final version with color Canepa.
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