LOCATION: space MANGASIE Festival BD Angouleme, on the Champs de Mars.
WHEN: Friday 28th, between 11am and 12pm, in occasion of the debate on BD & MANGA.
WHO: ALL those who want to laugh and have fun and ... restore "the power to ugly: D
STEPS: they are on facebook, HERE with explanations and music.
So tell me whether you go:) see you soon!
**** The mystery is revealed: what to organize the festival of Angoulême is the FIRST FlashMob the history of comics:))) in cooperation with our friends in the series BREAK! (Azorin-Lara, Madd, Andry). What is a Flashmob know: flash-grouping in order to carry out all together in a concerted advance on the net. In this case, a dance! Do not worry, you do not need to be good dancers, the choreography is simple and affordable for everyone. You can see it on facebook Q UI .
where : Festival of Angoulême, space Mangas (Champs de Mars)
when : Friday 28th, between 11 and noon
who : ALL:) you're all invited to pertecipare! The more we are, the more you have fun!
I wait, my raccomando!
**** YES, this is what we are organizing: the FIRST FlashMob the history of the comic:))) the flashmob is " organized action in which a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, do something unusual. " in this case, a DANCE! Calmly, the choreography is super easy, you can learn on Facebook A QUI !
Where: Angoulême Festival, espace MANGASIE
When: Friday, 28 between 11 am and noon
Who: ALL:) You are all invited, so Why to choose us as we have fun! So, I hope!
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