Lost and found
We just received the cutest products ... Lost and Found
And a selection of papers with brilliant ... WOW!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Barcelonavs Real Madrid Free
SKY DOLL COVER *** *** ***
*** now here COVER of SKY DOLL VOL 4 :) induiste obvious inspiration, with Noa determined to take its destiny in its hands. For those interested, the drawing is for sale LaGalleryNana in Paris and on their website:

****** news news: the cover design for of Skydoll volume 4 (yes, come ...). Inspiration Hindu clear and Noa more crap than ever, determined to take charge of his destiny! For those interested, the artwork is for sale at the gallery LaGallery Nana of Paris and on-line here:
***** continue with some news: that he is drawing for cover of Sky Doll Vol 4 ! Very induista, clear, and Noa very angry, watch out!
stan For those who will be interested (and forraditos) the drawing is on sale in the gallery LaGallery Nana of Paris and its website:
Monday, February 28, 2011
What Is The Fatal Dose Of Temazepam
The Jaine Austen Mysteries by Laura Levine: This Pen for Hire (Volume 1)
I waited a long time to find a series as funny as the adventures of Stephanie Plum (Janet Evanovich my dear) or Izzy Spellman (Lisa Lutz). I did dip into the world of Meg Cabot (who admittedly relatively convinced me) but I wanted more. Then a ticket Fashion drew my attention to the name of an author that I did not know (Laura Levine) and a heroine, whose name, he seemed familiar (Jaine Austen ) ...
Driven by curiosity, so I ordered This pen for hire (first volume of a series of nine, for the moment), I Read a draft, and has caused several giggles public (including a quite memorable in the waiting room of my OB and got me, you guessed it, looks skeptical, if not downright dismissive, but let our sheep).
Jaine is a public writer who lends his services against payment, of course, businesses and individuals alike. Her daily life is usually so devoted to the preparation of brochures for various companies specializing in plumbing drain cleaning toilets, matrimonial ads, etc. ... One day, Howard Murdoch, a skinny geek, is not on the edge his door and asked him to write a love letter to get him an appointment with a bimbo aerobics teacher. To his surprise, he then learns to Jaine that said Stacy agreed to date him. The day of their first appointment, Howard was arrested for the murder of Stacy and Jaine , convinced of his innocence, feels responsible so she decides to investigate her poor innocent client for which it a pity. Jaine discovers that Stacy had many enemies, and the list of suspects grows ... The police, of course, does not seem at all interested in the theories and discoveries Jaine . It obviously takes more to discourage Jaine, who throws himself wholeheartedly into the investigation.
This pen for hire is the first volume of the adventures of Jaine, a heroine you like them: determined (or even a bit stubborn), awkward, funny and endearing. It always the opposite of what she said, which establishes between herself and the reader, a funny report suspicious at first, but soon to become amused look. So, obviously, the investigation no interest crazy, but we take in this story however, as it focuses on wacky characters and a few losers. There is the best friend, Kandi, who spends his time searching the man of her life, and who consistently called servers Actor! " (After all, we're in LA), Prozac, haughty cat Jaine who spends his time ignoring when it does not claim to eat, and a whole bunch of secondary characters really funny ... A thriller / comedy, then, that reads quickly but that is attracting many laughs and is ultimately very entertaining! Let me tell you that I ordered Live volumes 2, 3 and 4 ...

Driven by curiosity, so I ordered This pen for hire (first volume of a series of nine, for the moment), I Read a draft, and has caused several giggles public (including a quite memorable in the waiting room of my OB and got me, you guessed it, looks skeptical, if not downright dismissive, but let our sheep).
Jaine is a public writer who lends his services against payment, of course, businesses and individuals alike. Her daily life is usually so devoted to the preparation of brochures for various companies specializing in plumbing drain cleaning toilets, matrimonial ads, etc. ... One day, Howard Murdoch, a skinny geek, is not on the edge his door and asked him to write a love letter to get him an appointment with a bimbo aerobics teacher. To his surprise, he then learns to Jaine that said Stacy agreed to date him. The day of their first appointment, Howard was arrested for the murder of Stacy and Jaine , convinced of his innocence, feels responsible so she decides to investigate her poor innocent client for which it a pity. Jaine discovers that Stacy had many enemies, and the list of suspects grows ... The police, of course, does not seem at all interested in the theories and discoveries Jaine . It obviously takes more to discourage Jaine, who throws himself wholeheartedly into the investigation.
This pen for hire is the first volume of the adventures of Jaine, a heroine you like them: determined (or even a bit stubborn), awkward, funny and endearing. It always the opposite of what she said, which establishes between herself and the reader, a funny report suspicious at first, but soon to become amused look. So, obviously, the investigation no interest crazy, but we take in this story however, as it focuses on wacky characters and a few losers. There is the best friend, Kandi, who spends his time searching the man of her life, and who consistently called servers Actor! " (After all, we're in LA), Prozac, haughty cat Jaine who spends his time ignoring when it does not claim to eat, and a whole bunch of secondary characters really funny ... A thriller / comedy, then, that reads quickly but that is attracting many laughs and is ultimately very entertaining! Let me tell you that I ordered Live volumes 2, 3 and 4 ...
Cam I Use Foam Under My Tub
Sky-Circus-Doll (yes I'm back)
**** YES Angougou after I took a break Web:) then 3 weeks of fever, well ... Here I start to post some Nouvet ! There have lots: Chosp T2 advance towards the end (lots of pictures soon) and T4 Skydoll advance too. For now, a detailed illustration created for Spirou magazine Special Cirque: Noa une petite plus Jamain Pantin, crayon version coloris pair plus version Barbara Canepa. Dans quelque jour dans les Kiosque de France.

Angoulême ********* After I took a web-break, but here I go back and there are many new features. Chospes Volume 2, SkyDoll Volume 4 ... here, as now is an image for Spirou Magazine due out in France in a few days: a Noa more dolls than ever, pencil and colored version version by Barbara Canepa . Soon the entire image.
*** Yes, after Angoulême I have taken a break from the glittering world of web ! But now I start to post some little things (and there I have a bunch): from Chosp vol 2, which runs to completion, to Sky Doll vol 4, which advances and other amenities. Here, meanwhile, a detail of the illustration created for Spirou Magazine , my pencil and a colored version by Barbara Canepa . Olé. Soon the whole picture (little bit of suspense)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
Krusteaz Buttermilk Instruction
Heather Wells is my new best friend!
It was awfully long time I heard about Meg Cabot in many places, but I resisted, thinking it was still yet another author for teens. And then, by dint of force, the face of such enthusiasm, I relented. But beware! I was not going to ignore my reservations as easily out of the question, so let me try by The Princess Diaries , whose adaptation Disney had not particularly excited. Not ... If I gave, it would take me the best of the best, no less! And then, I was advised the trilogy of the adventures of Heather Wells An irresistible like to ... My curiosity piqued Finally, I ordered Size 12 Is Not Fat (Volume One) whose title made me smile already. As the summary, I admit it intrigued me:
Heather Wells, soon thirties, is a former teen pop star, whose career and love life, have flop when it took a few pounds, that his contract with his record has been annulled and that his mother became the coach with his manager and all his savings. To top it all, her fiance, singer of boy band hit the left (bad for his image, obviously!). She finds refuge with her future-ex-brother in law, a private detective with a big heart but little Locace, and began a career as a college dorm supervisor in New York. Her life is slowly returning to sense when all of a sudden, two students die one after another in strange accidents. Despite the tragedy, the police do not seem to suspect anything, but Heather, she has a flea in his ear. There is something happening in this dorm, and she is determined to discover the end of the story, even if everyone takes it for a crazy. She then leads the investigation, by seeking the help of Cooper, his roommate, future-ex-redneck, it is wildly but secretly love. Ensue when a series of twists worthy of a great Stephanie Plum (MA standard for thrillers / comedy), all with humor detonating.
I do not hide it, this novel is a real favorite! It's funny, easy to read, engaging, the plot is well constructed. It gets caught in the game right away, because Heather is a superhero, I imagine it's like a Britney a bit cheesy that would have made his career in malls. She is tough, it's the least we can say, strong but vulnerable ('argh!, but tell her you love her, dammit! ") and frankly very entertaining.
Meg Cabot is a very prolific writer who covers many different genres, from chick lit to read the bit, through children's literature and young adult, who has published many novels, many of which have become bestsellers. The Adventures of Heather Wells are already three volumes (including the two following will come quickly inflate my PAL, for sure!), And a fourth is in preparation. Believe me, it has not finished hearing about it!

It was awfully long time I heard about Meg Cabot in many places, but I resisted, thinking it was still yet another author for teens. And then, by dint of force, the face of such enthusiasm, I relented. But beware! I was not going to ignore my reservations as easily out of the question, so let me try by The Princess Diaries , whose adaptation Disney had not particularly excited. Not ... If I gave, it would take me the best of the best, no less! And then, I was advised the trilogy of the adventures of Heather Wells An irresistible like to ... My curiosity piqued Finally, I ordered Size 12 Is Not Fat (Volume One) whose title made me smile already. As the summary, I admit it intrigued me:
Heather Wells, soon thirties, is a former teen pop star, whose career and love life, have flop when it took a few pounds, that his contract with his record has been annulled and that his mother became the coach with his manager and all his savings. To top it all, her fiance, singer of boy band hit the left (bad for his image, obviously!). She finds refuge with her future-ex-brother in law, a private detective with a big heart but little Locace, and began a career as a college dorm supervisor in New York. Her life is slowly returning to sense when all of a sudden, two students die one after another in strange accidents. Despite the tragedy, the police do not seem to suspect anything, but Heather, she has a flea in his ear. There is something happening in this dorm, and she is determined to discover the end of the story, even if everyone takes it for a crazy. She then leads the investigation, by seeking the help of Cooper, his roommate, future-ex-redneck, it is wildly but secretly love. Ensue when a series of twists worthy of a great Stephanie Plum (MA standard for thrillers / comedy), all with humor detonating.
I do not hide it, this novel is a real favorite! It's funny, easy to read, engaging, the plot is well constructed. It gets caught in the game right away, because Heather is a superhero, I imagine it's like a Britney a bit cheesy that would have made his career in malls. She is tough, it's the least we can say, strong but vulnerable ('argh!, but tell her you love her, dammit! ") and frankly very entertaining.

Meg Cabot is a very prolific writer who covers many different genres, from chick lit to read the bit, through children's literature and young adult, who has published many novels, many of which have become bestsellers. The Adventures of Heather Wells are already three volumes (including the two following will come quickly inflate my PAL, for sure!), And a fourth is in preparation. Believe me, it has not finished hearing about it!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Gifting Property To Family Member
Can Israel survive? - By Michael Withers
"Can Israel Survive? "Michael Gurfinkiel, is a book - I do not doubt for a second - one that responds to the concern, legitimate, on the survival of the modern state of Israel. Since 2007, the Internet, I have been to defend and promote an anthropological vision of Israel. Seen in this light, the imminent release of "Can Israel Survive? "Is, for me, already in itself a cause for celebration and joy. I would certainly have the opportunity to return in the coming weeks.
Now then, "Can Israel Survive? "The new book from the excellent Michael Gurfinkiel will be in bookstores on March 3. However, we can already buy it on Amazon (see source below). The book's editor, Hugo & Co., said: "The issue (ndmg -" Can Israel Survive? ") May surprise then that this small country of 7 million inhabitants, 20% Arabs, just to be admitted to the OECD and collects Nobel science prizes. But if Israel has experienced since its inception in 1948, a unique human development, it still faces determined enemies to be "wiped off the map": Palestinian Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah, and especially an Iran poised to gain nuclear weapons. Worse still: a process of de-legitimizing and media policy that could paralyze the military and isolated in many international fora, including the UN. This is the question that Michael Gurfinkiel answers in her book, after a thorough investigation from all stakeholders, Israelis, Palestinians, Arabs, but also Americans, Europeans, Turks or Iranians, moderate or extremist. "
editor, Hugo & Co., added: "His conclusion is surprising, especially because many Arab or Muslim countries are discovering or rediscovering, today ' Today, after having long been hostile, that their fate is tied to his. Checking both the historical background that the latest news (compliance or non-compliance with international treaties, the origins of the Palestinian issue, but problems of Arab refugees as Jews, but also nearby tensions between Jerusalem and Washington), Michael Gurfinkiel traces with a precision of a goldsmith, and beyond the myths, the reality of a country and a region of the world. "Can Israel Survive? Is a social survey, demographic, historical, political, economic and cultural (even anthropological), which identifies with clarity the complex issues tied up in the region and provides answers relevant. "
In his new book, written especially Gurfinkiel Michel (adapted excerpts): "The Jewish people have chosen life. It is his most intimate pact, the deepest, with the Lord found in the presence of heaven and earth. That's what allowed him to be reborn beyond successive destructions that have been imposed. And be reincarnated in the modern State of Israel. This choice underlies and permeates every project, every act, every challenge. He lives in the Israeli religious or secular, right or left, faithful or rebel. He explains the "return" of Jews standing on their own, the refusal of false heroism and true heroism. Constantly renewed desire for peace with the entire Arab and Islamic world, and first with the Arabs of Palestine. And the ability to fight, so that peace will not be established "(End of excerpts adapted from" Can Israel Survive? "Edited by Michael Gurfinkiel Hugo & Co. 2011).
Michael Withers
Source for Amazon :
http://www.amazon.fr/Israël-peut--survivre-Michel-Gurfinkiel/dp/2755602724/ref=sr_1_1?ie = UTF8 & qid = 1297416821 & sr = 8-1
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Older Women With Big Boobs
Florence + The Machine meets Gossip Girl
Despite the softness of this fourth season, I nevertheless remain faithful to my series beloved. Yep, that's when you're a chick and you love something, you do not do things by halves. The last episode of GG, therefore, released yesterday, reserved his audience a very nice surprise: an apparition of the group Florence + The Machine in a beautiful sequence that takes place during a party organized by the magazine W. This long sequence is truly full of grace and I can resist to show you a sample ...
Despite the softness of this fourth season, I nevertheless remain faithful to my series beloved. Yep, that's when you're a chick and you love something, you do not do things by halves. The last episode of GG, therefore, released yesterday, reserved his audience a very nice surprise: an apparition of the group Florence + The Machine in a beautiful sequence that takes place during a party organized by the magazine W. This long sequence is truly full of grace and I can resist to show you a sample ...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Shower Curtains Audrey Hepburn
Welcome to the land of testosterone
Want to see manly men to walk in his underwear all day, their muscles bulging, their bodies oiled? Take action and fighting ultra licked aesthetically and visually?
Look no further! Spartacus: Blood and Sand is the series for you ...
Why have started watching this series? I do not know myself! Sure, she has undeniable arguments (the hero, his friends gladiators, etc. ...), the action, the aesthetic, a spirit but a little peplum made by people who have seen a bit too Matrix among others.
In fact, it's been a while since I read some reviews of this series, and they are always either very good or very bad. In any case, the least we can say is that it arouses controversy. On the one hand, this series does not disappoint: we are promised blood and sex, and the promise is kept!
Of course, the scenario leaves little to be desired, aim instead: the hero (I do not even know his real name), a Thracian, began by leading a revolt against the Roman legate (a man vile without honor, as of course, boo! Romans! Wicked Romans!) and managed to escape with his beloved wife. But the legacy is not one to let such insubordination and catch up. He takes his wife and captures the Thrace, before throwing it in full arena, where he faces certain death. Now this really heroic hero is a warrior and a fierce fighter, he survives, then, and the crowd cheers and request it to be spared. It arouses the interest of a certain Batiatus, owner of a ludus (where the gladiators train), which offered to host it but to enslave. It is then called Spartacus, a Thracian king legendary, and so his legend was born.
Spartacus has one thing in mind: to find his wife and win enough battles (thus money) to buy his freedom. Life in the ludus is not easy and our hero will have to face many demons (literally and figuratively, you understand) ...
Why I like this series it? Well, here's the scenario is simple, even simplistic, but the characters are amazingly believable. We are promised blood, sweat, tears, sex, and presto! That is exactly what one gets. It's almost too much so, too violent, too gory (blood spurts, spurts ...), but too slow, too many bad guys / good guys well defined, and yet ... There is something in this series. She finds her tone and sticks to it. One could almost feel the moist heat of Capua, the sweat dripping on muscular torsos, the machinations that are plotted in the background and the gladiators, who were promised wonders, adored as gods, and yet treated like slaves In less than nothing, and have one goal: to fight again and again to regain their freedom.
If that's not entertainment, I do not know!

Want to see manly men to walk in his underwear all day, their muscles bulging, their bodies oiled? Take action and fighting ultra licked aesthetically and visually?
Look no further! Spartacus: Blood and Sand is the series for you ...
Why have started watching this series? I do not know myself! Sure, she has undeniable arguments (the hero, his friends gladiators, etc. ...), the action, the aesthetic, a spirit but a little peplum made by people who have seen a bit too Matrix among others.
In fact, it's been a while since I read some reviews of this series, and they are always either very good or very bad. In any case, the least we can say is that it arouses controversy. On the one hand, this series does not disappoint: we are promised blood and sex, and the promise is kept!

Of course, the scenario leaves little to be desired, aim instead: the hero (I do not even know his real name), a Thracian, began by leading a revolt against the Roman legate (a man vile without honor, as of course, boo! Romans! Wicked Romans!) and managed to escape with his beloved wife. But the legacy is not one to let such insubordination and catch up. He takes his wife and captures the Thrace, before throwing it in full arena, where he faces certain death. Now this really heroic hero is a warrior and a fierce fighter, he survives, then, and the crowd cheers and request it to be spared. It arouses the interest of a certain Batiatus, owner of a ludus (where the gladiators train), which offered to host it but to enslave. It is then called Spartacus, a Thracian king legendary, and so his legend was born.

Spartacus has one thing in mind: to find his wife and win enough battles (thus money) to buy his freedom. Life in the ludus is not easy and our hero will have to face many demons (literally and figuratively, you understand) ...
Why I like this series it? Well, here's the scenario is simple, even simplistic, but the characters are amazingly believable. We are promised blood, sweat, tears, sex, and presto! That is exactly what one gets. It's almost too much so, too violent, too gory (blood spurts, spurts ...), but too slow, too many bad guys / good guys well defined, and yet ... There is something in this series. She finds her tone and sticks to it. One could almost feel the moist heat of Capua, the sweat dripping on muscular torsos, the machinations that are plotted in the background and the gladiators, who were promised wonders, adored as gods, and yet treated like slaves In less than nothing, and have one goal: to fight again and again to regain their freedom.
If that's not entertainment, I do not know!

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Warm Toned Foundation
What I saw and loved The
Today, I wanted to make a point about the (many) series I watch. This is by far what I spend most of time (much more than reading, unfortunately, even if for me, the playoffs are just another form of fiction, like movies).
Recently, I had the chance to watch many series that I liked. There was:
Recently, I had the chance to watch many series that I liked. There was:

- Being Erica : This Canadian series (which I watched on the advice of many other bloggers) is really full of qualities and a very pleasant surprise! Its heroine, Erica Strange (played by the great Erin Karpluk), it is quite the typical thirty to Bridget Jones. Career problems, no boyfriend, a small Successful sister much she (and therefore necessarily preferred by parents), a hopeless crush on his best friend and neighbor, supposedly gorgeous Ethan (which I personally find it terribly boring) ... In short, thirty years and wheelbarrows, Erica is not really satisfied with her life and has lots of regrets. One day she accidentally crosses the path of Dr. Tom, a shrink a little special, since it has the power to make time travel, allowing Erica correct its past mistakes. All this obviously gives rise to episodes rather tasty (Erica in high school in the 90s, with wardrobe and hairstyle of time). But the most interesting thing this is not really the back side. Erica, despite the considerations and problems that may seem superficial at first glance, is actually a character unexpected depth, and the same treatment is reserved for other characters, even secondary. Without clichés, without either taboos, Being Erica is a really nice set with the third season ended recently.

- Boardwalk Empire: THE much-anticipated because produced by Martin Scorsese and written by the screenwriter of The Sopranos could only be good, and the first season has kept all its promises. Served by actors absolutely best (Michael Pitt, Steve Buscemi, Kelly McDonald to name a few), this series depicts Atlantic City at the beginning of Prohibition, and we believe it! It's so well shot it looks like a movie. Like what, the TV, sometimes it is good!

- Misfits: I'd completely missed out on this small series british without the advice of my buddies from Whoopsy Daisy, and thank god for them! The story of five teenagers rebel and some idiots who discover they have super powered powers. Sentenced for various reasons the work of general interest in the Community Center in their city, it is obviously going to happen to them full of problems. This series is just downright delightful! The fantastic side is often neglected for comedy (although the overall plot is really gaining in thickness during the second season). It is completely politically incorrect (thanks to the character of Nathan, the most horrifying anti-hero of this group), as only the English know how. (Note: I believe that this series, as Being Human and Skins, should also be entitled to its U.S. remake, because it really has been remarkably successful.) So, if you are in need of good English series, please, Misfits is the series for you!

- The OC: Yeah, you come here! We must assume its guilty pleasures to the end! I never watched The OC, I live classified as a sub-species of Beverly Hills absolutely not worthy of my interest ... And recently, I heard speak well, and I admit that the fact that its creator (Josh Schwartz) is also of Gossip Girl had put a flea in his ear. Finally, there was Seth Cohen a male character who aroused almost as much a hero girly moans of Gilmore Girls. In short, I ended up letting me try, and I was pleasantly surprised. The first two seasons are full of engaging characters (if we forget Mischa Barton, of course) and unexpected twists. A series teen certainly happens among the rich in California (any resemblance to Gossip Girl is thus not coincidental), but which nevertheless leaves kindly look, if only for the couple formed by Seth (Adam Brody ), the nice geek downright neurotic but witty, and Summer (Rachel Bilson), who might just be the big sister Blair Waldorf ... This is not a huge favorite, but sometimes I like to realize that my assumptions were unfounded and admit that I was wrong, and that, for a girl who "always" right, c ' is already a big step!

- The Shield (Season 1): Surely a series like The Wire, which I always understood the greater good. A true critical success, The Shield, The Wire is a bit meets Jack Bauer (of 24). A detective conducted smoothly around a team of cops operating in a ghetto of LA, where everything is really not all black or all white. The hero, Vic Mackey is leading a sort of elite unit sensible fight against drug trafficking, but his moral principles are at best ambiguous. Does he fight against gangs or working there with them? The answer is not so clear as that, and the issue of corruption could involve other officials placed much higher. I've only seen the first season yet, but the pace and intelligence with which treaties are the different topics will push me undoubtedly to see more.

- Downton Abbey: An excellent mix between the mini-series and costume drama. DA, for short, is the success of the BBC late 2010, and rightly so. An impressive team of British actors (Maggie Smith, Hugh Bonneville, Michelle Dockery, Dan Stevens), beautiful scenery and a family complex, DA primarily describes the lives of servants and masters with remarkable finesse. Located just before the First World War, the first episode begins with the loss of heirs (distant cousins) in the sinking of the Titanic. This family has three daughters, unfortunately, which means that without an appropriate marriage, they may lose their beautiful mansion and what remains of their fortune. Both the say, this series is based on its string of characters, and they are many because it follows both the domestic and the noble family they work for. Everyone has his card to play, relationships are forged, and everything has a very pleasant atmosphere. A great success! In the same vein, ITV counterattack with Upstairs, Downstairs , a remake of a series of 70 (if I remember correctly) that it takes place in London of the 30s, amid rise of Nazism in Europe, with awesome Keeley Hawes (Spooks in view). Well as for fans of British TV and costume dramas, but obviously next Downton Abbey, the effect of surprise falls a bit flat ...
In the series I am usually when they are broadcast in the United States, one of the pleasant surprises of 2010 for me is the second season of Vampire Diaries (on CW). And yet I had not liked it more than season 1. But I think they have found their tone to them with the start of the second season, and I hope it will continue like this ... There is also
Parenthood, the series I started watching for Lauren Graham and I continue to very endearing family Braverman. This is not the sequence of the century, but it is well written, well acted and very enjoyable to watch.
And Community, the comedy that rises up on a group of losers who meet at the Community College (the university understand the poor and populous zero social cases), where various characters are funnier than the others (Troy and Abed!), with episodes also worthy of the greatest moments in TV (that of the paintball and Christmas). A subtle comedy and sometimes hilarious (I confess a weakness for the sacred Senor Chang), other times not at all subtle, but a worthy successor to The Big Bang Theory (including fourth season does not like his promises, unfortunately).
To continue on the disappointments, I confess that I do not like the enthusiasm aroused by the modern adaptation of Sherlock , I'm never back in, despite interesting characters and plots of quality ... I do not know, it does not work on me.
And yet, the season 4 of Gossip Girl me seems slow, but slow, and frankly uninteresting (sniff), which is a shame!
My current series is Firefly, success too quickly aborted by Joss Whedon, genius creator of Buffy. Firefly is a mix between a western and a space opera, a series quite unique, with, as usual with Whedon, a bevy of colorful characters in a futuristic world, all aboard the ship Serenity and living in petty crime. Canceled after two episodes, it was followed by a film which, it seems, little concluetun the main plot. I like it well ...
That's the view of the series and recent favorites!
In the series I am usually when they are broadcast in the United States, one of the pleasant surprises of 2010 for me is the second season of Vampire Diaries (on CW). And yet I had not liked it more than season 1. But I think they have found their tone to them with the start of the second season, and I hope it will continue like this ... There is also
Parenthood, the series I started watching for Lauren Graham and I continue to very endearing family Braverman. This is not the sequence of the century, but it is well written, well acted and very enjoyable to watch.
And Community, the comedy that rises up on a group of losers who meet at the Community College (the university understand the poor and populous zero social cases), where various characters are funnier than the others (Troy and Abed!), with episodes also worthy of the greatest moments in TV (that of the paintball and Christmas). A subtle comedy and sometimes hilarious (I confess a weakness for the sacred Senor Chang), other times not at all subtle, but a worthy successor to The Big Bang Theory (including fourth season does not like his promises, unfortunately).
To continue on the disappointments, I confess that I do not like the enthusiasm aroused by the modern adaptation of Sherlock , I'm never back in, despite interesting characters and plots of quality ... I do not know, it does not work on me.
And yet, the season 4 of Gossip Girl me seems slow, but slow, and frankly uninteresting (sniff), which is a shame!
My current series is Firefly, success too quickly aborted by Joss Whedon, genius creator of Buffy. Firefly is a mix between a western and a space opera, a series quite unique, with, as usual with Whedon, a bevy of colorful characters in a futuristic world, all aboard the ship Serenity and living in petty crime. Canceled after two episodes, it was followed by a film which, it seems, little concluetun the main plot. I like it well ...
That's the view of the series and recent favorites!
Friday, January 21, 2011
What Kind Of Engineer Builds And Designs Cars
da die da die da die da die
My new obsession of the moment: Oh Maker, Janelle Monae ... What talent!
My new obsession of the moment: Oh Maker, Janelle Monae ... What talent!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
First Herpes Outbreak Men
****** VOILA 'ce que on Organise to Angoulême:) with friends from the comics BREAK! (Azorin-Lara, Madd, Andry): the first FLASHMOB the history of comics! But what is a FLASHMOB? It is a "flash mob", meaning a "gathering of quotas in public p o carry out the actions agreed in advance. In our case, a dance! You are ALL invited! No need to be pro, steps are super easy:) the more we are, the more it's funny!

LOCATION: space MANGASIE Festival BD Angouleme, on the Champs de Mars.
WHEN: Friday 28th, between 11am and 12pm, in occasion of the debate on BD & MANGA.
WHO: ALL those who want to laugh and have fun and ... restore "the power to ugly: D
STEPS: they are on facebook, HERE with explanations and music.
So tell me whether you go:) see you soon!
**** The mystery is revealed: what to organize the festival of Angoulême is the FIRST FlashMob the history of comics:))) in cooperation with our friends in the series BREAK! (Azorin-Lara, Madd, Andry). What is a Flashmob know: flash-grouping in order to carry out all together in a concerted advance on the net. In this case, a dance! Do not worry, you do not need to be good dancers, the choreography is simple and affordable for everyone. You can see it on facebook Q UI .
where : Festival of Angoulême, space Mangas (Champs de Mars)
when : Friday 28th, between 11 and noon
who : ALL:) you're all invited to pertecipare! The more we are, the more you have fun!
I wait, my raccomando!
**** YES, this is what we are organizing: the FIRST FlashMob the history of the comic:))) the flashmob is " organized action in which a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, do something unusual. " in this case, a DANCE! Calmly, the choreography is super easy, you can learn on Facebook A QUI !
Where: Angoulême Festival, espace MANGASIE
When: Friday, 28 between 11 am and noon
Who: ALL:) You are all invited, so Why to choose us as we have fun! So, I hope!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
What Is The Best Way Masterbate
ANGOULEME *** *** 2011 ***
***** ATTENTION ATTENTION: pour tous ceux qui au serons bd festival of ANGOULEME : with my homies series BREAK preparing a unique event :) and we will need YOU ALL! Guaranteed fun, even delirium! It takes place at the Space MangAsie Friday 28 January. More details soon:) get ready!

***** ATTENTION ATTENTION: pour tous ceux qui au serons bd festival of ANGOULEME : with my homies series BREAK preparing a unique event :) and we will need YOU ALL! Guaranteed fun, even delirium! It takes place at the Space MangAsie Friday 28 January. More details soon:) get ready!
OYE OYE *** : para los que la frontera cruzaran (s) para partecipar al Salon BD Angouleme (Francia) con mis amigos Series BREAK estamos preparando algo muy ESPECIAL y ... necesitaremos todos vosotros! Quote to "espace Mangas" el Viernes 28 . Pronto mas detalles. Ju ju juju juuuu ...
******** WARNING WARNING: To all those who cross the seas and mountains to get to Festival BD Angouleme of : with friends in the series BREAK are preparing a very special event e. .. we need the participation of YOU ALL:))) Friday 28 appointment space MangAsie . Dettagli più presto. Intanto, tenetevi Pronti !
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Replacing Bearings On Polaris 500
Back from the dead!

I'm back! I know it's hard to believe after over a month and a half without a ticket posted here etsans no good reason and more ... I could say that I was crumbling under work (which is false), that my privacy has become over funky (which is totally false as well), I abused the excesses of all kinds during the holidays (always false, just a normal Amount of Celebrating), I spent all my time nose buried in books for my shelf a little empty PAL (no, no, it overflows always), I have not wasted my time watching the series in all genres (as I am currently immersed in The OC, shame on me), or that I'm on vacation (no, I can tell you precisely how long he has done every day in Paris) ... I'm a bad bad blogger who does not read and write it! That is, the truth broke!
But I do not give up and do not confess myself defeated. I have a billion good resolutions earlier this year that I will not hold:
- read, read and reread and stop start books that look great and I dropped from the 50th page reached.
- to finally sign up for yoga class that was offered at Christmas, after all, it's not as if it was just next door to me ...
- watch the BBC adaptations of classic English is not the same as reading the novels (and I have a beautiful edition of North & South me just waiting to be devoured)
- Read the new novel to be translated before I start working on it (too late!)
- Stop watching all the series I can get into your eyes (it will be very hard, friends, but required)
- book more time to my friends and my family less ...
Not to mention all the same resolutions every year: quit smoking, diet, work more to earn more, cook more and better (but hey, the cupcake-chocolate Nutella was a good start), etc..
The novelty of the week is that I am now officially a translator of novels by Chick Lit, that is, for once, fairly consistent. I start to finger the job I always wanted to do. It's pretty exciting, a new challenge, really different songs that I have translated so far. I meet the challenge with a mixture of hand equal enthusiasm and anxiety. I also want to do a little advertising: my second translation Harleq emerged earlier this month ( The gift of a night Barbara Dunlop, in the collection Passions), a torrid love affair going a ranch in Montana. If all goes well I will talk maybe my new life as a translator of chick lit one of these days and hopefully my future readings of many and varied.
I do not like spreadsheets, but I can not resist. If you are looking for something to read or watch, throw you on the color feelings ( The Help ) Kathryn Stockett, a sublime first novel on segregation, I would not recommend it enough! Level series, a very nice discovery is Boardwalk Empire, set in Prohibition produced by Martin Scorsese (just that). Steve Buscemi, Michael Pitt and Kelly MacDonald are great, you throw it!
At very quickly, a fan of Chick Lit
But I do not give up and do not confess myself defeated. I have a billion good resolutions earlier this year that I will not hold:
- read, read and reread and stop start books that look great and I dropped from the 50th page reached.
- to finally sign up for yoga class that was offered at Christmas, after all, it's not as if it was just next door to me ...
- watch the BBC adaptations of classic English is not the same as reading the novels (and I have a beautiful edition of North & South me just waiting to be devoured)
- Read the new novel to be translated before I start working on it (too late!)
- Stop watching all the series I can get into your eyes (it will be very hard, friends, but required)
- book more time to my friends and my family less ...
Not to mention all the same resolutions every year: quit smoking, diet, work more to earn more, cook more and better (but hey, the cupcake-chocolate Nutella was a good start), etc..
The novelty of the week is that I am now officially a translator of novels by Chick Lit, that is, for once, fairly consistent. I start to finger the job I always wanted to do. It's pretty exciting, a new challenge, really different songs that I have translated so far. I meet the challenge with a mixture of hand equal enthusiasm and anxiety. I also want to do a little advertising: my second translation Harleq emerged earlier this month ( The gift of a night Barbara Dunlop, in the collection Passions), a torrid love affair going a ranch in Montana. If all goes well I will talk maybe my new life as a translator of chick lit one of these days and hopefully my future readings of many and varied.
I do not like spreadsheets, but I can not resist. If you are looking for something to read or watch, throw you on the color feelings ( The Help ) Kathryn Stockett, a sublime first novel on segregation, I would not recommend it enough! Level series, a very nice discovery is Boardwalk Empire, set in Prohibition produced by Martin Scorsese (just that). Steve Buscemi, Michael Pitt and Kelly MacDonald are great, you throw it!
At very quickly, a fan of Chick Lit
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Denise Milani Dresses
*******... me here back after the Christmas break:) many things have advanced in the meantime. Among them: a very pretty picture for the project "Spirou: Gallery of Illustrious - Special Circus" . Here a little rough for Noa . But Spirou , or is it? Eeeh, that's a surprise that I will show you soon:) Barbara Canepa is the coloring, bientôt the final image. Bonne annéeeeee!

************ I am back after the Christmas break. Many things have been going on in the meantime! Out of all: the creation of a better illustration for the project "Spirou: Galleries des Illustres - spécial Circus" , ie a series of tributes to the famous Spirou in a circus theme. Here's the rough one detail: Noa with tutu I had not yet drawn : D But Spirou where is he? He hee, surprise ... Barbara Canepa is carefully coloring the image, che presto nella sua posterior completezza. Buon anno a tutti!
*** Here I am, after the Christmas break :) Kings bring you a detail of a new illustration guapisimisima of SkyDoll : is my partecipation with Barbara Canepa the project "Spirou : Galerie des illustrious "is a famous character omenaje to Spirou. DANCER Noa's that had not ever drawn, je jeee. Soon the final version with color Canepa.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hindu Marriage Card Matter In Hindi
And a drawing done in Vitry, but always on the book signing of a friend who loves trios 6, hey, hey, hey! I improvised a demon Asmodeus it was kind of scanner that I have very fond memories, I share today. For info, Asmodeus is normally a demon rather male, former cherub and unclean spirit that presides over all the sins of lust ... A whole program, Rrrrrrrrrrr ... I preferred him a watered down version, half Gothic, half pointy ears.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Sean Cody Free Movie Previews
How Fast Does A 125 Dune Buggy Go
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