"Can Israel Survive? "Michael Gurfinkiel, is a book - I do not doubt for a second - one that responds to the concern, legitimate, on the survival of the modern state of Israel. Since 2007, the Internet, I have been to defend and promote an anthropological vision of Israel. Seen in this light, the imminent release of "Can Israel Survive? "Is, for me, already in itself a cause for celebration and joy. I would certainly have the opportunity to return in the coming weeks.
Now then, "Can Israel Survive? "The new book from the excellent Michael Gurfinkiel will be in bookstores on March 3. However, we can already buy it on Amazon (see source below). The book's editor, Hugo & Co., said: "The issue (ndmg -" Can Israel Survive? ") May surprise then that this small country of 7 million inhabitants, 20% Arabs, just to be admitted to the OECD and collects Nobel science prizes. But if Israel has experienced since its inception in 1948, a unique human development, it still faces determined enemies to be "wiped off the map": Palestinian Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah, and especially an Iran poised to gain nuclear weapons. Worse still: a process of de-legitimizing and media policy that could paralyze the military and isolated in many international fora, including the UN. This is the question that Michael Gurfinkiel answers in her book, after a thorough investigation from all stakeholders, Israelis, Palestinians, Arabs, but also Americans, Europeans, Turks or Iranians, moderate or extremist. "
editor, Hugo & Co., added: "His conclusion is surprising, especially because many Arab or Muslim countries are discovering or rediscovering, today ' Today, after having long been hostile, that their fate is tied to his. Checking both the historical background that the latest news (compliance or non-compliance with international treaties, the origins of the Palestinian issue, but problems of Arab refugees as Jews, but also nearby tensions between Jerusalem and Washington), Michael Gurfinkiel traces with a precision of a goldsmith, and beyond the myths, the reality of a country and a region of the world. "Can Israel Survive? Is a social survey, demographic, historical, political, economic and cultural (even anthropological), which identifies with clarity the complex issues tied up in the region and provides answers relevant. "
In his new book, written especially Gurfinkiel Michel (adapted excerpts): "The Jewish people have chosen life. It is his most intimate pact, the deepest, with the Lord found in the presence of heaven and earth. That's what allowed him to be reborn beyond successive destructions that have been imposed. And be reincarnated in the modern State of Israel. This choice underlies and permeates every project, every act, every challenge. He lives in the Israeli religious or secular, right or left, faithful or rebel. He explains the "return" of Jews standing on their own, the refusal of false heroism and true heroism. Constantly renewed desire for peace with the entire Arab and Islamic world, and first with the Arabs of Palestine. And the ability to fight, so that peace will not be established "(End of excerpts adapted from" Can Israel Survive? "Edited by Michael Gurfinkiel Hugo & Co. 2011).
Michael Withers
Source for Amazon :
http://www.amazon.fr/Israël-peut--survivre-Michel-Gurfinkiel/dp/2755602724/ref=sr_1_1?ie = UTF8 & qid = 1297416821 & sr = 8-1
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