It's never too late to make great discoveries in series, and that this week is certainly Veronica Mars. Recently, I discovered with surprise that this series, which I finally heard very little about and which not more than that awakened my curiosity, seemed to have many fans on a forum I attend assiduously. Trusting in the opinion of my fellow eyes closed, I ended up letting me try, and much good I can, because Veronica Mars between definitely in my top 10 (with Friends, Buffy, Gilmore Girls, The Big Bang Theory and a few others).

Veronica Mars, played by the effervescent Kristen Bell, is a sort of Sherlock Holmes' version of American teen. Schoolgirl in the town of Neptune, California, which combines gilded youth children of millionaires and movie stars, and young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods. Tensions between the two communities of the city is palpable and we really show both sides of some U.S. cities, not too glamorous or pathos. Veronica, therefore, is the daughter of former sheriff of the town, now converted into a private detective. Her father was relieved of his duties after the biggest scandal that has shaken the city: the murder of the beautiful and rich Lily Kane, Veronica's dead best friend and sister of her ex-boyfriend, Duncan Kane. The series begins in medias res, several months after the said murder, and Veronica went from popular to pariah after his father accused him of Lily's father, Jake Kane, of having killed his own daughter, an accusation that has unleashed passions and he lost his job. Veronica's mother, for reasons quite obscure, fled, and our young heroine finds herself alone with her father, rejected by the community of the rich and famous, and many forced to work for both ends meet. Veronica is convinced of one thing: the murderer of her best friend is still running, and it could be any of the locals. It conducts its investigation and will thereby discover many secrets, and make new friendships along the way.

Well, it all looks very complicated, and it is true it is! That's why this story quickly becomes exciting! The scenarios are treated and mixed in a very ingenious everyday life of a schoolgirl, although forced to depend only on itself, and an investigation worthy of a film noir. The son weave and unravel slowly, and many revelations, each more surprising and fascinating than others, constitute the first season. And for once, the finale is just mind-blowing, and managed to unravel the whole story and end up on a huge cliffhanger!

The main and secondary characters are also very well written. Of course, Kristen Bell is awesome teen in clever and strong, a very nice figure of girl everyone would love to have the best girlfriend. And then there's Logan! A sort of Chuck Bass become the son of a movie star, horribly arrogant and vile, that one can not help but love it. It is detestable, it is odious, it is sexy, bad boy portfolio and the inflated ego ... What girl could resist normally formed? I do not see ...

Also note: the making and photo playing a very important part of the quality of the series. And guests in what are you here, for fans of Joss Whedon (Alyson Hannigan and Charisma Carpenter coming back regularly in the second season, with even an appearance by Joss in person) ...
In short, a series to see which mixes teen movie and thriller, with a good dose of romance, but also a fascinating history and totally addictive.
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