(My articles are published on http://drzz.info/ and http://monde-info.blogspot . com / ).
Islam - atrocious crimes against Christians
By Michael Withers
Thursday, August 5, 2010 - 25 Av 5770
In Pakistan, the horrific crimes committed against the Christian minority continues in indifference quasi-general. NGOs are usually British or American and Christian sites in English which allow us to inform and alert the public speaking.
It is true that French-speaking Europe - especially in France - Most NGOs say "Christian" is contrefichent atrocities perpetrated against Christians and against Christians in the land of Islam itself (admittedly, some Catholic organizations Francophone such as the French branch of Save the Church in such distress, denouncing Islamic crimes, but they remain the exception that proves the rule).
I must confess that I abhor - increasingly - the renegade Christian, this alter-Christianity. One can always try to cheat with yourself and with others. However, cheating with God - while invoking his name - seems to me highly risky in terms of salvation.
Moreover, these NGOs are concentrated - with a microscope obsessively - on any shrub that trembles in the wind in Israel. In Israel, where Christians have never endured a millionth of what they suffer from the Mohammedans. Besides, we have the testimony of Christians born in the land of Islam known who found refuge in Israel. But who dares talk about it? Who cares?
Personally, I am openly Christian, I am a believer, and therefore, I believe in eternal life. In this perspective of eternity, I would not be in lieu of some Christians both by Islamophiles israélophobes cowardice and malice.
I would not be in the place of Muslims who live among us, who call themselves moderates, who claim to be followers of the "religion of peace" but that does not appear, peacefully, in our streets, Islam condemn violent thug and Islam.
Certainly, it is the Lord who judges and judge it with Love. That said, his words are clear: those who have the mission - or just pretend - to support our sisters and brothers persecuted, but that does not support them, they will never enter into His Kingdom.
About atrocious crimes committed against Christians and against Christians in the land of Islam said, I learn today Thursday, August 5, 2010, that last July, a Pakistani doctor and several other Muslims have violated Magdalene Ashraf, a young Christian nurse 23 years in a medical center. They were then thrown out the window on the fourth floor.
Magdalene Ashraf, 23, a Catholic nurse, is in a very critical situation because of injuries to the head and legs she received after being thrown through the window of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, hospital Karachi. The Catholic community of this city has shown in recent days in front of the hospital to protest against violence on women in Pakistan.
Rukhsana Shama, the NGO Action Aid - Pakistan, said: "Violence against women is widespread and is one of the most serious problems of Pakistani society. There are different forms of violence, from sexual violence than domestic violence to prevent women from accessing education. The situation is particularly serious in the province of Punjab, where in addition - to the cultural and social traditions that discriminate against women - practices related to religious fundamentalism that make women slaves. "
For the record, I recall a young Pakistani Muslim, was killed by bullets, two Christians falsely accused of blasphemy "July 19 last, as they left a court in the Pakistani city of Faisalabad. The young Muslim was also seriously wounded a police officer who was escorting the two Pakistani Christians.
few days ago, presumably as a result of calls to violence, launched at the Friday prayers in local mosques, hundreds of Muslims were swept in the district of Waris Pura, Faisalabad, where live many Christians.
Another atrocity, Arshed Masih, a Pakistani Christian was burned to death last March because he refused to convert to Islam. Of Also, his wife was raped by police. It happened in Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. The couple worked for a wealthy Muslim businessman from Rawalpindi. The three siblings, ages 7 to 12 years, were forced to attend these atrocities. Arshed Masih, aged 38, suffered severe burns on 80% of the body.
Moreover, last March, Kiran George, a Christian girl was burnt alive at Sheikhupura, Pakistan so that it does not denounce the rape committed on her by Mohammad Raza Ahmda, son of a Muslim with whom she worked as a maid. Kiran George burned at 80%, died two days later after a terrible agony.
After undergoing the rape, Kiran George had threatened her attacker to complain, and it killed her. Mohammad Raza Ahmda, with the help of his sister, Kiran George sprinkled petrol and set on fire.
This atrocity, which occurred in Sheikhupura, a city in Pakistani Punjab, recalls the tragic death of Shazia Bashir, a small Christian 12 years raped and killed by a powerful lawyer in Lahore.
Today and for Eternity, Arshed Masih Shazia Bashir George and Kiran are in the Abode of the Father in the Kingdom on High, in the Bosom of Abraham, wrote St. John of the Cross.
But I can not exclude others end up in Hell forever.
- For
remain silent - while other violent défénestrent and burned alive by Christians - and say, simultaneously work for churches and aspire to eternal beatific vision, it seems difficult.
This is not even a question of trial.
is for every believer, a simple matter of common sense.
Copyright 2010 Michael Withers & Sources cited
http://mychristianblood.blogspirit.com / archive/2010/07/16/pakistan-muslim-doctor-rapes-christian-student-nurse-and-att1.html
http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/headlinenewsd.php ? hnewsid = 2123
(My articles are published on http://drzz.info/ and http://monde-info.blogspot . com / ).
Islam - atrocious crimes against Christians
By Michael Withers
Thursday, August 5, 2010 - 25 Av 5770
In Pakistan, the horrific crimes committed against the Christian minority continues in indifference quasi-general. NGOs are usually British or American and Christian sites in English which allow us to inform and alert the public speaking.
It is true that French-speaking Europe - especially in France - Most NGOs say "Christian" is contrefichent atrocities perpetrated against Christians and against Christians in the land of Islam itself (admittedly, some Catholic organizations Francophone such as the French branch of Save the Church in such distress, denouncing Islamic crimes, but they remain the exception that proves the rule).
I must confess that I abhor - increasingly - the renegade Christian, this alter-Christianity. One can always try to cheat with yourself and with others. However, cheating with God - while invoking his name - seems to me highly risky in terms of salvation.
Moreover, these NGOs are concentrated - with a microscope obsessively - on any shrub that trembles in the wind in Israel. In Israel, where Christians have never endured a millionth of what they suffer from the Mohammedans. Besides, we have the testimony of Christians born in the land of Islam known who found refuge in Israel. But who dares talk about it? Who cares?
Personally, I am openly Christian, I am a believer, and therefore, I believe in eternal life. In this perspective of eternity, I would not be in lieu of some Christians both by Islamophiles israélophobes cowardice and malice.
I would not be in the place of Muslims who live among us, who call themselves moderates, who claim to be followers of the "religion of peace" but that does not appear, peacefully, in our streets, Islam condemn violent thug and Islam.
Certainly, it is the Lord who judges and judge it with Love. That said, his words are clear: those who have the mission - or just pretend - to support our sisters and brothers persecuted, but that does not support them, they will never enter into His Kingdom.
About atrocious crimes committed against Christians and against Christians in the land of Islam said, I learn today Thursday, August 5, 2010, that last July, a Pakistani doctor and several other Muslims have violated Magdalene Ashraf, a young Christian nurse 23 years in a medical center. They were then thrown out the window on the fourth floor.
Magdalene Ashraf, 23, a Catholic nurse, is in a very critical situation because of injuries to the head and legs she received after being thrown through the window of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, hospital Karachi. The Catholic community of this city has shown in recent days in front of the hospital to protest against violence on women in Pakistan.
Rukhsana Shama, the NGO Action Aid - Pakistan, said: "Violence against women is widespread and is one of the most serious problems of Pakistani society. There are different forms of violence, from sexual violence than domestic violence to prevent women from accessing education. The situation is particularly serious in the province of Punjab, where in addition - to the cultural and social traditions that discriminate against women - practices related to religious fundamentalism that make women slaves. "
For the record, I recall a young Pakistani Muslim, was killed by bullets, two Christians falsely accused of blasphemy "July 19 last, as they left a court in the Pakistani city of Faisalabad. The young Muslim was also seriously wounded a police officer who was escorting the two Pakistani Christians.
few days ago, presumably as a result of calls to violence, launched at the Friday prayers in local mosques, hundreds of Muslims were swept in the district of Waris Pura, Faisalabad, where live many Christians.
Another atrocity, Arshed Masih, a Pakistani Christian was burned to death last March because he refused to convert to Islam. Of Also, his wife was raped by police. It happened in Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. The couple worked for a wealthy Muslim businessman from Rawalpindi. The three siblings, ages 7 to 12 years, were forced to attend these atrocities. Arshed Masih, aged 38, suffered severe burns on 80% of the body.
Moreover, last March, Kiran George, a Christian girl was burnt alive at Sheikhupura, Pakistan so that it does not denounce the rape committed on her by Mohammad Raza Ahmda, son of a Muslim with whom she worked as a maid. Kiran George burned at 80%, died two days later after a terrible agony.
After undergoing the rape, Kiran George had threatened her attacker to complain, and it killed her. Mohammad Raza Ahmda, with the help of his sister, Kiran George sprinkled petrol and set on fire.
This atrocity, which occurred in Sheikhupura, a city in Pakistani Punjab, recalls the tragic death of Shazia Bashir, a small Christian 12 years raped and killed by a powerful lawyer in Lahore.
Today and for Eternity, Arshed Masih Shazia Bashir George and Kiran are in the Abode of the Father in the Kingdom on High, in the Bosom of Abraham, wrote St. John of the Cross.
But I can not exclude others end up in Hell forever.
- For
remain silent - while other violent défénestrent and burned alive by Christians - and say, simultaneously work for churches and aspire to eternal beatific vision, it seems difficult.
This is not even a question of trial.
is for every believer, a simple matter of common sense.
Copyright 2010 Michael Withers & Sources cited
http://mychristianblood.blogspirit.com / archive/2010/07/16/pakistan-muslim-doctor-rapes-christian-student-nurse-and-att1.html
http://www.pakistanchristianpost.com/headlinenewsd.php ? hnewsid = 2123
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