Dear Friends, time is serious! I forsake the blog these days because I discovered a magical place: the forum Whoopsy Daisy. I registered recently, and I'm totally a fan! It is a forum where we can speak of British classics and period dramas all day ... We can also talk about anything you want, series, movies, but mostly books, books and more books.
Looking through the threads of this forum so, I realized my gaps of period dramas, especially that I like yet. Sure, I've seen a few, but I realized that I still had full to see, so I decided to put everything on.
So I watched the first (of four) episode (s) from North & South, mini-series adapted from the novel by Elizabeth Gaskell, who has been a resounding success, particularly because of the superb interpretation of Richard Armitage (North of the Lukas MI5). S & N tells the story of a young girl from the South of England will move to the North, booming industrial 19th century. Margaret, played by Daniela Denby-Ashe very convincing, is struggling to adapt to this location, opposite the small village Opulent where she grew up. By her father, she meets the handsome and mysterious John Thornton, impulsive and secret ballot, she said, represents everything she hates this place. But events will push them towards each other ...

I will not say too much, because I've only seen the beginning, but immediately returned it. Sets and the acting are superb. And I confess that the character of John Thornton is simply irresistible: a man of the north, a little rustic but with the right values and deep, passionate character (Sigh. ..), we love always!

everything I found on Youtube, and I recommend it highly ... Thank you to all friends of Whoopsy Daisy for your advice! My PAV took quite a blow.
And I also put music, which is just super nice ...