- Mercredi
21st july 2010 - 10 av 5770
Recently, a series of two articles, titled series "The Catholic Church in France is a disaster" (*), I condemned the signing by various French Catholic bishops, a text on the aberrant jihadist Islamo-Turkish fleet which had led - from the Cypriot area illegally occupied by the army of the Islamic Turkish government - to Hamastan.
Moreover, this aberrant text, signed by various French Catholic Bishops, this aberrant text was published on the website of "Christians in the city." A site which contained a long letter of support from Bishop Dominique Rey of these same "in Raving Pity. "
But since the publication, on half a dozen blogs, my two-part series, series called "The Catholic Church in France is a disaster," the long letter of support from Bishop Dominique Rey to "Christians in the City "has mysteriously disappeared from the site in question. It was for the record, just in passing ...
That said, there are in France, Christians who lead the good fight, the real fight. Among these Christians, there is a French Catholic organization, specifically, the French section of Aid to the Church in Need. Certainly, the fact I speak here on good terms, Aid to the Church in Need, this fact does not necessarily render service to the French section of Aid to the Church in Need, as I pass, especially France, for the journalist-Catholic-mangy sheep-it-should-be-silent-absolutely.
But back on topic. Thus, the French section of Aid to the Church in Need information (*): "An unknown young man shot and killed two Christians accused of blasphemy July 19, 2010, as they left a city court. They also seriously wounded a police officer who escorting them, said a police official. A few days ago, presumably as a result of calls to violence initiated during Friday prayers in local mosques, hundreds of Muslims were swept in the district of Waris Pura (Faisalabad), where many Christians live. "
"'They wanted to attack and burn the area (...) The demonstrators chanted slogans, waved arms and shouted that they would teach a lesson to Christians. They threatened to take justice into their own if the two brothers were not sentenced to death, saying they would take revenge not only on them but on the whole Christian community ', had then told the MCP (Minorities Concern of Pakistan), Atif Jamil Pagaan, a Christian social worker who witnessed the riot. The whole neighborhood and the church of the Holy Rosary, had been ransacked. The protest concerned two Muslim brothers Protestant Christians, Pastor Rashid Emmanuel Emmanuel and his brother Sajid.
"Both were arrested July 2 on charges of having written a booklet containing blasphemous words against the Prophet Muhammad. They have consistently maintained their innocence. 'The charges against them are false, no evidence has been provided and there are no witnesses', denounced Atif Jamil Pagaan, adding that the pamphlets had been handwritten, photocopied and distributed anonymously. Mgr Joseph Coutts, Bishop (Catholic) Faisalabad had yet established a civil and religious committee to take necessary measures to stop the violence. At his request, local authorities and Muslim leaders had intervened to calm the spirits "(End of information disseminated by the French branch of Aid to the Church in Need).
Christians of Pakistan have more need than ever for you:
Sign the petition
- Copyright
Michael Withers & http://aed-france.org/
(*) "The Catholic Church in France is a disaster" by Michael Withers
and "The Catholic Church in France is a disaster (part 2)" By Michel Withers
(**) http://www.aed-france.org/actualite/a-la-une/2010/07/19/pakistan-deux-chretiens-abattus-apres-une- charge-de-blasphemy /
21st july 2010 - 10 av 5770
Recently, a series of two articles, titled series "The Catholic Church in France is a disaster" (*), I condemned the signing by various French Catholic bishops, a text on the aberrant jihadist Islamo-Turkish fleet which had led - from the Cypriot area illegally occupied by the army of the Islamic Turkish government - to Hamastan.
Moreover, this aberrant text, signed by various French Catholic Bishops, this aberrant text was published on the website of "Christians in the city." A site which contained a long letter of support from Bishop Dominique Rey of these same "in Raving Pity. "
But since the publication, on half a dozen blogs, my two-part series, series called "The Catholic Church in France is a disaster," the long letter of support from Bishop Dominique Rey to "Christians in the City "has mysteriously disappeared from the site in question. It was for the record, just in passing ...
That said, there are in France, Christians who lead the good fight, the real fight. Among these Christians, there is a French Catholic organization, specifically, the French section of Aid to the Church in Need. Certainly, the fact I speak here on good terms, Aid to the Church in Need, this fact does not necessarily render service to the French section of Aid to the Church in Need, as I pass, especially France, for the journalist-Catholic-mangy sheep-it-should-be-silent-absolutely.
But back on topic. Thus, the French section of Aid to the Church in Need information (*): "An unknown young man shot and killed two Christians accused of blasphemy July 19, 2010, as they left a city court. They also seriously wounded a police officer who escorting them, said a police official. A few days ago, presumably as a result of calls to violence initiated during Friday prayers in local mosques, hundreds of Muslims were swept in the district of Waris Pura (Faisalabad), where many Christians live. "
"'They wanted to attack and burn the area (...) The demonstrators chanted slogans, waved arms and shouted that they would teach a lesson to Christians. They threatened to take justice into their own if the two brothers were not sentenced to death, saying they would take revenge not only on them but on the whole Christian community ', had then told the MCP (Minorities Concern of Pakistan), Atif Jamil Pagaan, a Christian social worker who witnessed the riot. The whole neighborhood and the church of the Holy Rosary, had been ransacked. The protest concerned two Muslim brothers Protestant Christians, Pastor Rashid Emmanuel Emmanuel and his brother Sajid.
"Both were arrested July 2 on charges of having written a booklet containing blasphemous words against the Prophet Muhammad. They have consistently maintained their innocence. 'The charges against them are false, no evidence has been provided and there are no witnesses', denounced Atif Jamil Pagaan, adding that the pamphlets had been handwritten, photocopied and distributed anonymously. Mgr Joseph Coutts, Bishop (Catholic) Faisalabad had yet established a civil and religious committee to take necessary measures to stop the violence. At his request, local authorities and Muslim leaders had intervened to calm the spirits "(End of information disseminated by the French branch of Aid to the Church in Need).
Christians of Pakistan have more need than ever for you:
Sign the petition
- Copyright
Michael Withers & http://aed-france.org/
(*) "The Catholic Church in France is a disaster" by Michael Withers
and "The Catholic Church in France is a disaster (part 2)" By Michel Withers
(**) http://www.aed-france.org/actualite/a-la-une/2010/07/19/pakistan-deux-chretiens-abattus-apres-une- charge-de-blasphemy /
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