Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Simplicity Rail Conversion
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hairstyles With A China Bang

**** mon tour " est presque finished! Thank to all who have come over in different libraries:) last opportunity of the year: Saturday to Beder of PROVENCE AIX. I dedicate for the occasion with Barbara Canepa (and it does not happen often!). Come chat with us! Here I show you an illustration done for the album "Daughter of the Sun 2011" a Noa version T4! The image will be in 3D, ie to look with elegant glasses red / blue (very 80s:)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Whitish Lotion Like Discharge
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Can U Used Expired Vigamox

In big fan of Christmas, I take the tag circulating right now on my favorite blogs ...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sweat Rash Between Boobs Symptoms

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
(can Dogs Get Impetigo?)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Slogans For Healthy Choices

How To Insert A Tampon For Woman
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Headache Bridge Of Nose Between Eyes

Here's how this tag:
Do not take too much time to think. 15 authors (including poets), who influenced you and you keep always in your heart. List the top 15 you remember within 15 minutes. Tague 15 friends and have fun above all!
- Emily Bronte : Reading Wuthering Heights when I was a teenager, this novel effect made me beef! I think I finally found a book that matched my ideal romance and romance, with all these characters and landscapes passionate and tortured.
- Jane Austen : Discover the latest on eventually, but what's funny is that I feel I have known my entire life! My favorite novel: Persuasion simply sublime! A love story that could well end but the characters have missed their chance to love. They have never forgotten and are found later, too late?
- JK Rowling : Because, like many people of my generation, Harry Potter a little part of us. We grew up in anticipation of the continuation of his adventures, and it has had to face the fact, after the release of the final novel in the saga, it was the last time we laugh and weep with those characters ...
- Janet Evanovich : Linking the police and comedy, that's what this dear Janet excels. No, it's not great literature, but it is rare I laugh as much reading a book than watching an episode of Friends, for example. It is one of those authors that I feel I know personally because I read almost every book she wrote: the saga of Stephanie Plum and her short romance. A grande dame of comedy, period!
- Melissa Bank : The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing is a novel compound of news that was classified, according to me a little too fast in the category chick lit. Well written, subtle, these are some adjectives I would use to describe it. But frankly, I do not know why some books I always mark at this point. Perhaps because they have an indefinable charm, and it has, that's undeniable!
- JD Salinger : There are as of the novels that mark you forever. For me, The Catcher in the Rye part of it. I studied this novel in high school for a year, and I can say that all other students in my class felt the same thing for this masterpiece that reveals the look of a teenager in the world around them, the adults, with distance and cynicism of those who will never really their up with others. Shocking, intelligent and a real sense of filmmaking as well, certain images remain in my head, even ten years later.
- Zadie Smith : I remember buying White Teeth shortly after its release, and it was his first novel, which has enjoyed considerable success. A wonderful family saga which presents with humor and finesse the life of a typical family of the melting pot in English. Subsequently, I did not like his other novels, but even when I mention On Beauty , which I liked.
- Jonathan Coe : One of the best known English writers of recent years, an unmistakable talent for storytelling. My favorite novel: What a carve up! (Testament in English): a huge stone where a family is completely crazy locked up in a manor that will unfold in mysterious events. I read almost all his novels, and I confess that I am a little tired, but he is gifted, we can not deny ...
- Marion Zimmer Bradley : It's almost strange for me to keep MZB in this list, since I only read two or three of his novels, so she wrote an impressive number. I even hard to describe, it is often said that she is the queen of fantasy, but it focuses on the major rewrite of myths or historical events. Reading The Mists of Avalon , I felt myself take a real slap literature. A lightning strike, there is no other way to describe it. This rewriting of the Arthurian legend where history, religion and magic, but I think what she does best is write-depth characters that it seems to know. The love story between Arthur, Guinevere Lancelot and upset me. I even believe that I dared not read other books she had written, for fear of being disappointed not to find the feelings that this reading was awake.
- JRR Tolkien : I waited long enough before daring to get into The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings because I thought that this kind would not please me. What a surprise! I was wrong, because I was immediately swept into this strange and magical world in this exciting adventure, in this language incredibly rich and enjoyable. And I was glad that the books are so impressive, because when I like a book, I wish it would never end and that's exactly what I felt. This monumental work is a true masterpiece that everyone should read.
- Jane Green : My first experience of chick lit, before Bridget Jones Helen Fielding was with Bookends Jane Green, bought by chance in England. I think it's the pastel color cover attracted me first, then the story: a young woman drops her job to open a bookstore and finding love. I was well hung and then I read almost all novels of this writer. It is not among my favorites, because over the books, the stories are often similar, and it now looks more to quarantine divorced, but she put me up in the first chick lit , and for that I in thanks!
- Arthur Rimbaud : I like poetry, even if I do not read much and not often. But Rimbaud is, I do not know why, my favorite French poet. Illuminations and A Season in ENFE r me happy when I was in high school. That's what makes the magic of literature and poetry, but can not explain, it is carried away by the words and images.
- Agatha Christie : I think I read almost all his novels when I was a child and teenager, and she really helped to awaken my love of reading. I liked especially Hercule Poirot.
- Barbara Kingsolver : A great lady of American literature whose stories are often born of his love for nature and the natural environment. His books are a real cry of love to the great landscapes of the United States, and especially the Appalachian region. But be careful not to reduce it to that, she knows how to be born female characters are strong and endearing. There's magic in his writing style. I especially like Tree Bean and its sequel, Pigs in Heaven . A novelist who deserves to be better known and recognized.
- Virginia Woolf : I think if I had not studied at university, I'd probably gone completely out of Virginia Woolf. I remember trying to read the Lighthouse when I was a teenager, and sure, I was much too young. I studied Mrs. Dalloway in college and I think I needed to be needle, because suddenly it's as if someone had lit the light. Everything made sense: the interior monologue, all those little things that make up the daily and a woman's life, events that may seem trivial but in fact are incredibly important, the depth and density of this writing and the true vision of literature. Virginia Woolf said that when you're a woman, you have to arrange a room to yourself, I understand it's like trying to have a rich inner life and full of characters and stories, a place where you can let your imagination flourish and find adventures and alien landscapes and romantic, write, sing, read, listen to music, share their passions with other fans and broaden its horizons to the fullest.
And voila! A non-exhaustive list of my favorite authors and why they have a special place in my heart and my library. It is an exercise more difficult than I thought, but when I see this list, I realize it reflects my tastes eclectic, but always in English! I do Tagge person, but I leave you free to make your own list. Again, thank you Akina!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Tech Deck Design Your Own Online
Monday, November 1, 2010
How To Get The Rainbow Puffle On Club Penguin

Brother Inviting His Friends To Sisters Marriage

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
How To Test The Packets Sent
On Friday, October 22, 2010, during the Fourteenth General Congregation, the Synod Fathers of the Catholic Church, meeting at the Vatican approved the "Final Message" of Special Assembly "for" the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops.
This "Final Message", here are four excerpts (annotated by me in brackets). First single "The Second Vatican Council document Nostra Aetate issued on dialogue with religions, with Judaism, Islam and other religions. There secondly, a continuous dialogue between the Church and representatives of Judaism. We hope this dialogue can lead us to act with responsibility to end the political conflict that continues to separate us and disrupt the lives of our country "(Note from Michael Withers: So there is a" political conflict continues to separate us and disrupt the lives of our country, "telling the church in the eastern section of the" Final Message "section on Jews is not aware that the Jews put an end to" political conflict continues "separate ecclesiastical oriental Jews" conflict that continues to disrupt Life in the countries where live his own ecclesiastical East, the Jews would then, according to the Oriental Church, guilty of "conflict that continues to disrupt life in countries where live his own church oriental, it's all cases that can be read in the chapter of "Final Message" dedicated to the Jews).
Second excerpt: "It is not permissible to resort to biblical and theological positions into an instrument to justify injustice. Instead the use of religion must be a person to see God's face in the other, and treat it according to the attributes of God and according to his commandments "(Note from Michael Withers: this paragraph, by itself, is perhaps the most haunting of the" Final Message "for the Special Assembly" for "the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, in effect This paragraph is addressed to the Jews, yet if the Catholic Church put the paragraph in practice this would not be the "biblical and theological positions" that would inform Jewish and Christian Oriental Jews and Christians of the East on how to "see the face of God in the other, and treat it according to the attributes of God and according to his commandments," but if they are no longer the "biblical and theological positions" that would inform Jewish and Christian Oriental Jews and Christians of the East, the only "position" they have left is the "position" Koran. Is this really the point of view of the Holy See on "biblical and theological positions? Or simply tone-to-cons to a church-Muslim compatibility invented by clerics Oriental disoriented?).
Third part: "Citizens of the Middle East challenge the international community, particularly the UN, she worked sincerely for a solution just and lasting peace in the region, and that by implementing the resolutions of the Security Council and taking the necessary legal steps to end its occupation of Arab territories different. The Palestinian people will thus have an independent and sovereign homeland and live in dignity and stability "(Note from Michael Withers: definitely, the" Final Message "for the Special Assembly" for "the Middle East is the Synod of Bishops a message to both final and special and can even wonder if it was drafted by the synod of bishops, or has been drafted by the Organization of Islamic Conference, OIC. The phrase "international community" does not exist in the "biblical and theological positions" of the Catholic Church. The Eastern Church, who want to abolish the "biblical and theological positions" that should inform the Oriental Jews and Eastern Christians on how to see God's face in the other, and treat it according to the attributes of God and according to his commandments, the same church they now want oriental impose the concept of "international community" as the Development Organization Conference Islamic? The Eastern church do they want the Holy See applies the resolutions of the Security Council? In which case the Holy See will, in future, apply every single Security Council resolutions, not just those involving Israel. And then, the Eastern church do they want the Holy See for an end to "occupation of Arab territories different? But then, all "Arab territories", originally inhabited by Jews "Arab" Christians of the East and "Arabs" of the East, will be released. Freed from any Muslim occupation ; Occupation came from the Arabian peninsula from the seventh century, invade Syria, Lebanon, Israel, etc.. And then what do we speak at the end? Arabs or Muslims? Finally, read the famous "Final Message," the Palestinian people will "have an independent and sovereign country" where "legal measures" will put an end to "occupation of Arab territories different." First, I wonder what historical truth and what truth should be based geographical these "legal measures". Secondly, I wonder what historical truth and what truth should be based geographic the concept of "occupation of Arab territories different." And thirdly, I wonder what historical truth and what truth is based geographically the allegation that the Palestinians have the feeling that, in Judea and Samaria, "a sovereign and independent country", while the Originally, the only "independent and sovereign homeland" for Palestinians in the legal sense, historical and geographical, is Jordan. Our brave Eastern Church would abolish our "biblical and theological positions," and more of our brave Eastern Church would abolish historical truths and the truths of geography. But then, if we listen, we would be left?).
Fourth and last part: "The State of Israel will enjoy peace and security inside the internationally recognized borders. The holy city of Jerusalem can obtain the right to respect its special character, his holiness and religious heritage, for each of the three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam. We hope that the two-state solution - the Synod writes "states" ... - a reality and not remain a mere dream "(Note from Michael Withers : Thus, our brave fathers Synod concludes, in fireworks, with both ends of sentences: "The State of Israel will enjoy peace and security." And: "The Holy City of Jerusalem can obtain the right to respect its special character." I am moved to tears. When the Catholic Church and Israel will do absolutely everything that their call for the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Conference, Arab League, NGOs, Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim dictatorships as well secular and theocratic, then and only then, "the State of Israel may enjoy peace and security "and" The Holy City of Jerusalem can obtain the right to respect its special character. " Frankly, you believe in you?).
ended four excerpts (annotated by me in brackets) of the "Final Message" for the Special Assembly "for" the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops.
Good. For my part, I note that a Lebanese bishop of the Syriac rite, Bishop Anthony Raboula Beylouni, nevertheless had the courage to remind the sidelines of the Synod, that the Koran "orders to impose religion by force by the sword ", that" the Qur'an allows a Muslim to hide the truth of Christian and speak and act contrary to what he thinks and believes "that" the Koran gives Muslims the right to judge the Christians and kill them by the jihad. "
Bishop Anthony Raboula Beylouni also had the courage to remember that "Muslims do not recognize religious freedom, either for them or for others," The Muslim looks "dialogue with the superiority and with the assurance of to be victorious, "that discussed" the dogma "between Christians and Muslims is impossible and should be selected for the dialogue," themes " as well as "Christian partners capable and well trained, brave and pious, wise and prudent" (End of excerpts from remarks by Bishop Antoine Raboula Beylouni, remarks on the sidelines of the Synod, remarks which, of course, does not appear in the "Message end "of the Special Assembly" for "the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops).
So I will take for my case, the comments - wise and true - Bishop Anthony Raboula Beylouni. I will remember, too, the constant magisterium and theology of the Catholic Church ever since fourteen centuries of Islam, especially in the writings of saints. I remembered, too, about the doctrine of Islam, delivered by Benedict XVI at Regensburg University and the College of Bernardine.
I will remember always, the writings on Islam and / or Judaism, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Father Pierre-Marie Soubeyrand, Father Alain René Arbez (see link at bottom of page in the source) ; Cardinal Charles Journet, Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger, the theologian Claude Duvernoy; the Philosopher Jacques Maritain, Professor Kurt Hruby, Professor David Flusser, Jean-Daniel Knight (Primo Europe) Father's Shufani d ' Yves Chevalier (Revue Sens); Brother Ephraim, author of "Jesus, Jew, Fayard, 1987.
I will remember always, the writings on Islam and / or Judaism, Father Stephen Richer, author of "Loving Israel: Why? "In Pneumathèque, Editions of the Beatitudes, in 1995, Laurent Murawiec, the historian Bat Ye'or, author of" Europe and the spectrum of the Caliphate, "in The Provincial Letters in 2010, George Weigel, biographer John Paul II and Benedict XVI, Richard Neuhaus, editor in chief of First Things'; the theologian Michael Novak, the Catholic journalist Jean-Marie Allafort; Father Michel Remaud, and many others that I can not mention everyone here.
However, I would not hold the comments - media, anachronistic and heretics - of these ecclesiastical East disoriented, I wonder if, as implied Bishop Anthony Raboula Beylouni, well trained , brave, pious, wise and prudent (see above comments about this Bishop Anthony Raboula Beylouni ...).
In view of the Catholic Church and its 2,000 years of history in the light of eternal life, in the light of historical truth and geographical the "Final Message" of the church of the East disoriented, "Final Message" approved Friday, October 22, is already today Tuesday, October 26, more than dust.
Michael Withers, Catholic journalist
Copyright 2010 Michael Withers & References Cited (see link below).
Ambasol While Pregnut
Monday, October 25, 2010
What Is Degenerative Fibroids